Training Course – Asilia lodges and Camps LTD – Arusha

Brief Description of Training:
A group of not more than 12 candidates (external and or internal applicants) will be accepted to join the annual Assistant Camp Manager Training Programme scheduled to start in Arusha on 02 October 2023.
The entire course will consist of 4 sections each running for 6 weeks with a 2 week leave period after each 6-week section.
The course will focus on, but will not be limited to the following concepts.
Hospitality Management
Core Concepts of Management
Communication & Culture
Camp Administration & Reporting
Asset Management
Departmental Management
Stock Management
The Safari Experience
The Guest Experience
The Staff Experience
Company Policies & Procedures
Positive Impact & Environmental Practices
Health & Safety in the workplace

Minimum Requirements:
All applicants will be required to provide the following – (Through recent testimonials and contactable references & preferably from their existing Line manager)

High levels of energy and enthusiasm
Outstanding leadership skills, people skills and guest skills
A Fresh ‘guest-centric’ outlook to hospitality
A minimum of 3 years of direct hospitality experience
A record of consistently excellent and flawless guest service
A record of outstanding relations with supervisors and peers alike
An above average command of spoken and written English
A logical approach with a clear comprehension of basic mathematics

Method of Application
If you fit the ‘Minimum Requirements’ we look forward to receiving your applications and c.v’s; Nichola Waterhouse & copied in to Devotha Malimi not later than
31st August 2023
